
2012年7月12日 星期四





1. 若匯出檔以EXCEL進行編輯後,匯入時會造成問題。(原因為EXCEL讀取後會自動變更日期格式,將"2012-07-13 12:00:00"改為"2012/07/13 12:00",目前1.1版必須完全符合日期格式才可正確匯入,這個問題已在v1.2版被修正)

2. 欲匯入的檔案必須為UTF-8格式。


1. 計算機在某些運算下會導致程式錯誤。

2. 螢幕小於2.3吋的螢幕,將無法看到完整的功能選單。



1. 開啟程式集→附屬應用程式→記事本,將匯出檔另存為ANSI編碼
2. 開啟excel,點擊資料→取得外部資料→從文字檔。
3. 編碼選擇剛剛匯出的ANSI。
4. 在分隔符號處選擇"逗號"。
5. 點擊完成即可正確讀取匯出檔。
1. 於Excel中另存為csv檔案。
2. 開啟記事本將其編碼儲存為utf-8格式。
3. 儲存回sdcard的OLAccount資料夾。
4. 至OLAccount程式匯入匯出中進行匯入。

2012年7月7日 星期六

[Recommend!] Personal Account Management App for Android: OLAccount

OLAccount is developed to meet the various needs for personal account management (e.g., account record, inquiry, and statistics). To provide a user-friendly interface, the entire layout of OLAccount is designed by a professional visual studio (Hsiao Hui Chang Design Studio). We recommend this free app to everyone who wants to save more money by better managing his/her account!

The first step to save your money is to begin with carefully tracking your daily expenses as well as account balance. OLAccount is just a personal account management application (for Android) that helps you to monitor your account balance. According to your preference, you can choose one of the five ways to inquire your account:

1. Account History
By tapping “History” under the main menu, you can see your monthly expenses for this year (if any of the monthly expenses exceed the predefined value, an alert icon will pop up).

By tapping any month on the list (or sliding the tab to Monthly at the bottom), you can further examine your daily expenses (similarly, an alert icon will pop up if any of them exceed the threshold). If you tap any of the daily expenses, you can see categorized expenses on that day. Any of them can be edited by tapping it or deleted by tapping and holding it.

If you’d like to instantly inquire a record on a specific day or records other than this year, you can tap the button at the upper-right corner for this task.

2. Expense Category
Either the default or user-defined expense categories are listed at the top panel of the Main page and each History page. If you wonder why/how you spent so much in a certain category, you can access a detailed list by tapping such category.

3. Calendar View
In addition to an expense list, you may also want to review your monthly expenses in a calendar. OLAccount summarizes your daily expenses under each day in a calendar and enables different color codes based on an alert value you set up. By tapping a specific day, you are able to examine a detailed expense list of interest.

4. Expense Search (by Key Word and Time Frame)
If you’re interested in figuring out certain expenses during a specific time frame, you can utilize the “Search” function under the main menu (this function can also search any notes you made when you created your bill).

5. Statistical Chart
A more intuitive message of your expense condition can be delivered by a statistical chart. OLAccount provides three types of charts: a daily bar chart, monthly bar chart, and monthly pie chart.

If you’d like to look at the detailed expense list on a specific day or month, you can tap the list button on the very top panel.

All of such functional presentation of your account as introduced, which can not only provide you more expense reminders but also monitor your cash flow, is based on a convenient bill record in OLAccount.

OLAccount allows you to record six items for a bill: category, item (sub-category), payment (cash or card), cost, date, and note (remember that your note is helpful for the Search function).
For your convenience, after selecting an expense category, you can select any of the default/user-defined items by tapping the “Search” button (category and item can be added or deleted by users). A calculator is also provided once you tap the “Calculate” button.

The “Setting” function allows you to modify the expense category, item, daily alert value, monthly alert value, and backup your data. The expense category and item can help you to customize your own bill and make it more personal.

The daily and month alert values can greatly influence your expense outlook under the main page, history, chart, and calendar.

Under the main page, if your daily expenses exceed the alert value, an alert icon will pop up at the bottom of the page. On the other hand, if your monthly expenses exceed the alert value, not only will an alert icon pop up, but also will the color of the main page change!

At the end, whatever information you can see in OLAccount can be exported into a CSV file that can be opened by Excel or Notepad. If you are currently using other account management apps or software, you can simply arrange the data format as the CSV file, import it into OLAccount, and then start to enjoy the powerful functions in OLAccount!